“Do not think it strange when you go through fiery trials and suffering, as if some strange thing has happened to you. Don’t you know that the testing of your faith is more precious than gold, and yes, it is tested by fire? So, look up and keep your heads up.
Job was tested and suffered and became My trophy to show off to the world because he did not curse Me and die. You are My trophy and My masterpiece, a royal priesthood, a part of a chosen generation, created for the praise of My glorious grace, with which I have blessed you in the Beloved. The race is not to the swift nor to the strong, but to those who endure to the end. So look up, look up, look up, for your redemption is near.
There is a plan,” says the Lord, “and there is a purpose in everything I do. And if I allow it—I have a plan. And if I disallow it—I have a plan. There is nothing I cannot do in order to bring you through. I will bring you out. I will bring you over. I will bring you up. I am not through with you. I will fulfill what belongs to Me. I will fulfill who belongs to Me. Lean not to your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths.”